Endorsement of aircraft types means the holder is qualified to issue maintenance release for such aircraft at the date of endorsement. 持照人在机型签署之日起具有对该机型的放行资格。
Furthermore, while the qualified endorsement of capital controls by the IMF and other multilateral institutions has paved the way for their use by countries such as Thailand, economists are sceptical about their long-term value. 此外,尽管imf和其它多边机构认可资本控制,从而为泰国等国使用这一工具铺平了道路,但经济学家怀疑它们的长期价值。
If anyone has an obligation to represent the qualified endorsement of a bill, you can at the endorsement, the endorsement denying the terms of their personal responsibility. 如任何人有义务以代表资格在汇票上背书,则可在背书时,加注否认其个人责任之条款。